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魔法庄园(Magic Tree)

魔法庄园(Magic Tree)

应用类型 :经营策略 大小 : 35.85MB



甜甜的糖果树、闪亮的宝石树、软绵绵的云彩树~ 哇~这是什么地方呀?怎么会有这么多可爱的树呢~ 噢~原来是《魔法庄园》呀~! 立体感十足的3D可爱画面~快来亲身体验一下神秘的魔法世界吧~会让你深陷其中~久久不能自拔喔~! ★ 游戏特点 ★ * 魔法种子长出魔法树~《魔法庄园》特有的魔法种子!好好搅拌它们吧~从中可以得到各种各样的魔法树喔~阴森森的骷髅树、童话里的妖精树、甜甜的糖果树等等~等等~无穷无尽的神秘魔法树等着你来发掘喔~! * 柔和的3D画面平淡无奇的平面SNG已经OUT了!生动立体感的3D画面才是王道~没有玩过3D画面的SNG真是硬伤啊!就让魔法庄园来弥补你吧! 在这里你可以自由的装扮属于自己的庄园,让庄园里充满生机~充满活力~! * 摇摆的庄园曾经的摆设,都是死物!千篇一律没意思!但是!《魔法庄园》里的装饰物都是可以用的喔亲~像旋转木马~钢琴等等~想听音乐了吗?那就到弹下钢琴吧~走累了吗?那就找个椅子,坐下休息吧~是不是觉得超级棒,超级真实,超级不可思议呢!这就是魔法庄园的魅力所在了~ * 另一个自己~无论是性别、服装、饰品、发型、表情都可以根据你的喜好来调整~简直就是另一个你呀~随着你的小化身,一起在庄园中种植魔法树~在田园间散步~耕作农田~感受一下乡野气息~舒展一下疲惫的身心吧~ * 收割的乐趣除了各种树之外~还有很多新鲜的作物和可爱的小动物哦~!来《魔法庄园》尽情享受收割的乐趣吧~!多种多样的收藏品和奖杯会使你的收割之旅更有动力~更有趣哦~! * 我来做客啦~再好的游戏,没有人陪怎么行~快去跟朋友一起交换礼物~互相留言吧~将来,你就会有越来越多的朋友~你的庄园也不会再孤单了哦!当然去拜访朋友是会有奖励的噢~简直就是一举两得! ────────────────Com2uS更多精彩游戏!────────────────< 迷你农场 > 掌上的卡哇伊农场社交游戏< 三国志塔防2 > 一统三国,非我莫属!< 马儿快跑 > 世界最强赛马就在我的掌心!< 艾诺迪亚4 > 风靡全球的COM2US RPG大作!< 猴子也疯狂 > 搞笑、轻松、劲爽的终极动物大乱斗!< 全垒打2OL > 激情全垒打!超真实快感!超爽棒球游戏!< 9局职业棒球2013 > 职业棒球联赛,全明星大比拼!< 终极塔防 > 最经典的塔防游戏著作!< 迷你游戏乐园 > 经典重现!所有迷你系列汇聚一堂!< 我要搬家 > 阿酷带你走进神奇快乐的益智游戏世界!< 涂鸦切割Slice it! > 新概念益智游戏,脑力大比拼!────────────────登录Com2uS官方新浪微博就可以参加Com2uS举办的精彩活动,赢取更多的礼物和重要信息。(在微博搜索Com2uS!)────────────────微博☞ http://weibo.com/com2us 攻略,活动等最新资讯!!请点击官方网址↓☞ m.com2us.com Dreams and other tales in one fantasy world... Once upon a fairyland in the all-new 3D social game Magic Tree!! Imagine a farm with more than just regular harvest... Magical trees filled with other enchantments: sweet candy trees sparkling jewel trees cottony cloud trees... Nothing"s impossible in this surreal land of unusual trees. Dreams and other tales in one fantasy world...Once upon a fairyland in the all-new 3D social game Magic Tree!! Imagine a farm with more than just regular harvest...Magical trees filled with other enchantments: sweet candy trees sparkling jewel trees cottony cloud trees...Nothing"s impossible in this surreal land of unusual trees. Experience the three-dimensional fantasy that will blow your mind away in Magic Tree! ★FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS★ ▶Magic Seeds that grow to become Magic TreesMix and match magic seeds to discover new types of trees. Bone-chilling Skeleton Trees Fairy-telling Fairy Trees and other mysterious trees are waiting to be revealed. ▶ Glowing 3D GraphicsNo more flat social gaming! Your visuals are more solid and vivid in 3D. Enjoy the freedom to customize your village with more colors. ▶Animated Village FeaturesNo matter how great the graphics are it would be no fun without motion right?Ride and play with the decorative items in Magic Tree. Explore a fantastic social journey with the background: Merry-go-rounds swings pianos and more! Play a piece on the piano or rest on a chair whenever you want. ▶Another Me My AvatarCustomize your gender clothes accessories hair style and facial expression however you wish.Represent another you by designing your character that plants trees wanders around villages and harvests crops. ▶Fantastic Crops and AnimalsAlong with unique trees you can raise other exclusive animals and crops. Start a collection with various trophies and enjoy growing your own farm. ▶Visiting FriendsSend and receive messages and gifts... Help your friend"s village and make a fellowship of friends.Also don"t miss out on other rewards!

  • 魔法庄园(Magic Tree)
  • 魔法庄园(Magic Tree)
  • 魔法庄园(Magic Tree)
  • 魔法庄园(Magic Tree)


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